Half Hourly Meters
Half hourly meters are smart meters that will collect energy data in 30 minute intervals. The energy usage data is sent to the energy supplier for billing purposes.
A half hourly meter is easily identifiable from energy invoices. If the top line of your meter supply number starts with a ’00’ profile, then you have a half hourly meter. Unfortunately, half hourly meters cannot be quoted in the same way as most meters due to the unique ‘shape’ of energy each business has.
A bespoke quote can be obtained by contacting our team of energy experts.
Why do I need a bespoke quote for my half hourly Meter?
When using energy with a half hourly meter, it will not only record your energy usage in 30 minute intervals, but it will also record your energy usage over the time bands – Red, Amber and Green.
A supplier will use your energy usage data or half hourly data, to ‘shape’ your energy profile over the different time bands. The time bands are published by your local Distribution Network Operator (DNO) and passed onto your energy supplier for billing purposes. The charges for time bands will differ dependant on region or DNO.
Your business energy prices will be determined by how and when you use your energy. For example if you use more energy in the Red time band, you will receive a higher business energy quote, as this is peak hours. Businesses who use their energy over green time bands will get cheaper quote as they use their energy more efficiently.
For advice, energy related queries and quotes, speak to our energy experts today or call us for a bespoke half hourly meter quote.
Call us now 0330 111 1432
Targeted Charging Review (TCR)
In 2017, Ofgem launched a Significant Code Review (SCR) called the Targeted Charging Review (TCR). It was launched to address Ofgem’s concern that the current framework for residual and cost recovery charging may result in inefficient use of the networks and unfair outcomes for energy users.
The Targeted Charging Review has looked at how electricity network residual charges should be set, for both transmission and distribution.
Changes for under TCR will be implemented in stages, with DUoS and TNUoS charges changing from 1st April 2022.
What does this mean for Business Energy users?
Business energy users will see the changes take place from 1st April 2022:
- A new fixed rate for DUoS charges and the removal of traditional time bands.
- Your MPAN Line Loss Factor (LLF) will change to indicate your new charging band.
- Cost increases for large, energy intensive consumers.
Find out how the Targeted Charging Review will effect your business. Speak to our team of energy experts today or read more here.